Introducing Articool- Content hub for content writers

Introducing Articool- Content hub for content writers


2 min read

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹ , I'm super excited to introduce Articool to you.


Articool is a web application targeted torwards helping content writers in the software development space to find ideas, inspiration for their blogs.

landing page .png

How Articool came to life

Well, there are a lot of platforms out there where people post ideas about the next startup idea, side project idea and lot more. What if I built the same platform but for content writers ? Boom, an Idea was born.

Problems Articool aims to solve

Generating Ideas for a blog post isn't so easy, what if you get ideas from your audience? Not bad right ? Yeah.

Articool can solve that. How ?

  1. As a content writer, you get to see various ideas generated from different people.
  2. As a content writer, you can discern topics, subjects that people would like to read from the number of likes an idea gets or the frequency at which it is mentioned.

Planning ๐Ÿ“

To start developing this application, I used pen an paper to break features into smaller chunks e.g

  • Landing page development
  • Like feature
  • Comment feature
  • Authentication e.t.c

    I also made use of Github's project automated kaban board to track development and pull requests. It was a lot easier to work on the project.

How to engage on Articool ๐Ÿ—ฃ

After login to the application, a user can start to create ideas.

  • Create an Idea create-post.png
  • Post an Idea
  • Like an Idea
  • Bookmark an Idea
  • Comment on an Idea
  • Share an Idea
  • Edit an Idea

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  • View a particular Idea

Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 6.50.53 PM.png

Anyone user can see the dashboard containing ideas generated without login.


Built With ๐Ÿงฐ

  1. Next JS (React Framework)
  2. Auth0 (User authentication)
  3. Tailwind CSS (UI development)
  4. Supabase (Database)
  5. SWR (Data fetching)
  6. Formik (Form state management)
  7. Vercel (Hosting)

Challenges ๐Ÿ˜‘

  1. Syncing Auth0 logged in user to Supabase.
  2. Managing tables with the right priviledges on Supabase using SQL commands.
  3. Persisting data in NextJS for component sharing the same layout

Overall, it was a great learning experience for me. I loved it.

Contribution ๐Ÿ—ฃ

I would really love to collaborate with people to improve this project, after all it is an Open Sourced Project I would like to hear your brilliant ideas.

Feel free to reach out to me on : Twitter - yakubu_jumoke. Email -